Monday, February 2, 2015

But I feel fat!

Okay, I'll admit it!  Sometimes I talk to myself.  Here is an excerpt from a recent conversation I had with...myself.

"I want to go dancing tonight!  I love to dance!"
But you feel so fat right now!  None of your clothes will fit.

I tried on a few things, and yes, they felt too tight.  It might be that I've gained some weight recently and it might be that I'm a bit bloated (I've been eating more fiber than normal).

I had two options - one, stay in on a Saturday night and isolate myself.  Two - put on an outfit that does fit, dress up, put a smile on my face and go dancing!  What would I do if I were as thin as I wanted to be?  Of course I'd dance!

Can you guess which one I chose?

That's me!

One of the hardest parts of learning to embrace my body and following the program was that I had to live as if...I had the body I wanted.  And eventually, by living that way, I did have the body I wanted. Sure I ended up losing some weight.  But I also came to accept my body and enjoy it as it was.  That changed my life.

That doesn't mean that it's always easy.  I recently went through the worst year of my life - divorce, betrayal, a job I hated, and intense pressure from other sources.  I found myself completely imbalanced, burnt out, and hungry all of the time.  I also became very sad and I didn't have the time or energy to be active.  My old behaviors (thoughts - self-defeating) came back to me.  And I knew I was close to falling down the rabbit hole.  But I chose NOT to.  I reevaluated my life.  I found a job that offers more flexibility (and pays less), I slept more, I started going to therapy.  I found balance and I found my way back to intuitive eating via the embrace my body program.

What's funny is that, when I created EMB, I hadn't struggled with intuitive eating in years.  I thought I'd never have issues again...boy was I wrong.  I am SO THANKFUL I created EMB because now I am actually, humbly, using it again to find my way back to a healthy relationship with my body.

Hug yourself and GO DANCING!

Daniela Ketalam

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