Monday, January 19, 2015


Do you accept yourself as you really are?  Are you prepared to do it?

In order to find the life of your dreams, you have to be willing to live it!  When we shame ourselves, we hide ourselves.

What would accepting your body look like?  What if you knew that, your weight would never change from what it is now?  How would you act and feel?

Initially, you might feel depressed or sad if you are unhappy with your body.  But you have a choice.  You CAN embrace your body - as it is. right now.  I know you can because I DID.  It wasn't easy at first.  But then it became fun.

That is what EMB asks you to do!  Embrace your body as it is now.  Stop waiting to live life.  Stop waiting to date, go dancing, workout, get a new job, move, travel because you have weight that you want to lose.  Instead, I dare you to do ALL of it, without trying to first lose weight.

What you'll find, as I did, is once you live life and stop obsessing over your body, you find more joy and pleasure than you ever believed was possible!

Embrace Your Body today!


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