Thursday, December 31, 2015

SMART Goals Suck

During graduate school, I was required to write "smart" goals.  Smart stands for "Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-bound."  I think they are BS.  You're goals don't have to be "realistic."  This limited thinking keeps you from achieving things you really want in life and allowing life/God/Universe to bring to you whatever your heart truly desires!

So this year, let's set some UNREALISTIC goals!  I think you'll be surprised what can happen if you let yourself dream and believe and ACT as if you'd already achieved these things.  Trust me - this shit works!

I remember when I started EMB.  I worked so hard at ACTING as if I had the body I truly wanted.  I went from treating my body like crap, wearing clothes I didn't like just to hide my shape and being introverted around men to all the opposite.  I asked myself - how would I act if I were in the body of my dreams?  Honestly?  HOW WOULD YOUR LIFE BE DIFFERENT?

Personally, that meant wearing clothes I loved (and fit me), flirting, making eye contact, finding exercise I enjoyed like dancing and swimming (not the crap I made myself do to lose weight). 

That meant I bought a whole new wardrobe, signed up for dance classes, and started to make conversations.  

I acted as if I had what I wanted, and the Universe delivered exactly what I did want.  

Act as if, and BELIEVE!  Let's get ready for 2016!  Your best year EVER!


Sunday, December 27, 2015


So, I've been thinking.  

This post isn't directly about food.  But with Binge Eating Disorder (aka w/e you want to call it), almost everything is related to food.

So let's talk about patience...or lack thereof. 

What in your life is not flowing?  How are you doing with that?  

Maybe you want to manifest a new relationship, job, house, career, you even know?

I challenge you to take some time today...sit down and WRITE. Write down your goals for 2016.  Take risks.  Write down some crazy shit goals that seem out of your reach and watch the Universe (or God, or Spirit, or whatever) provide those things for you in the most unexpected ways.

Stay open.  Stay present.  Breathe.  Write.  Have faith.  Not in yourself.  Not even in the EMB program.  But in your Higher Power (Self/God/etc). 

Have faith friends.  Trust me, it will get better.

Email me anytime!  I love hearing from you-